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Controlling inflow, through and outflow: how to ensure a fast start

Dennis Vendel
This article is automatically translated using Azure Cognitive Services, if you find mistakes, please get in touch

People who have been hired for a new position are usually eager to start. However, it often takes a while before they can really get to work. For example, they have to wait for access to certain data or applications. Or you still have to set up the physical workplace for them. It's a shame, because that's how the enthusiasm and efficiency goes down.

If these are existing employees who move on to a new position, there is an additional problem: they often still have unintentional access to data with which they worked in their previous position. This often also applies to employees who have retired. Bad, especially if you take privacy legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seriously.

In short, it is important to properly manage the inflow, through and outflow of employees. Does your organization have these processes in order? Ask yourself the next five questions to find out!

1. Do you have up-to-date insight into the access rights of employees?

When an employee steps over the (virtual) threshold of the office building, you want him or her to be ready to start immediately. However, this is not the case with many organisations. It sometimes takes a week or two before the new employee can get started. You prevent such a situation by making the intake process and the access rights of employees transparent. This way you can make the right preparations in time.

2. How much time do you spend setting up a workplace for an employee who starts a new position?

If the workplace is not yet set up when employees start in a new position, they will look for solutions themselves. For example, they log in via their own device. Or they use the account of the colleague who is working on them. This type of approach entails the necessary limitations and safety risks. So start preparing the workplace in time! And make sure you can easily deliver such a workplace. The motto: 'Automate and standardize.'

3. What impression does a new employee of your organization get?

You want a new employee to feel welcome. Therefore, deliver a ready-made device to his or her home before the first working day, make sure that all rights are arranged and introduce the new employee to future colleagues (for example via the intranet). This way you make an unforgettable first impression.

4. Is the flow of employees well regulated?

When employees switch positions, you need to make sure that they no longer have access to rights that were only important in their previous position. At the same time, it is crucial to arrange for a new set of facilities to be ready so that they can get started with their brand new tasks right away.

5. How does the retirement work?

Within the framework of privacy legislation and cost efficiency, it is essential to deactivate accounts on time. In addition, make sure you have insight into all facilities, so you can quickly check if laptops and other devices have been handed in when someone leaves. Do not go through with this — some data must be stored for a certain period of time according to the law. That is also the best way to approach this in a structured way.


Discover the benefits for Cosis

Care organization Cosis chooses Microsoft specialist Wortell to modernize the workplaces for healthcare workers and volunteers.

Properly control inflows and outflows?

Wortell can install a system for you that acts as a spider in the web. We link this to your hr package — the starting point for all movements. When someone enters, flows in or out, we ensure that access is well controlled in all the underlying systems. This allows employees in a new position to work flawlessly with all the data and applications that are relevant to them.

Because Wortell doesn't just focus on HR, we oversee the whole picture. We ensure that the workplace is ready in time, so that new employees immediately feel part of the company — even before they have set foot in the building.

Want to know more?

Would you like to know more or how we can properly adjust this process for our customers within our services? Please contact us or read more about Work.


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Adjust the inflow, through and outflow properly yourself? Download the Work brochure and read more about it.