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Smart Learning

Available courses

59 courses

Implementing Data Analytics with Synapse (DP-3012)

In this single-day course "Implementing a Data Analytics Solution with Azure Synapse Analytics" (DP-3012), you will learn how to use Azure Synapse for your Data Processing and Analytics.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht, Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

Intermediate Python for Data Engineers (English)

Learn intermediate Python for Data Engineers and gain skills in performing common Data Engineering tasks using Python, such as loading file formats, working with APIs, and saving and loading Python objects. Improve your data processing abilities for platforms like Databricks or Azure Functions.
€ 1.399,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht, Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

T-SQL for data analysts (DP-080) (English)

This training covers T-SQL for data analysts, focusing on data analysis, preparing datasets, and using SQL for analysis. It helps to understand SQL better with examples and puzzles. Suitable for mastering T-SQL in data analysis.
€ 1.099,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Online, Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

Fabric Governance (English)

This training covers the management and maintenance of a Power BI environment. It addresses issues such as security, governance, privacy, data quality, and metadata. Best practices for configuring features and ongoing monitoring are also discussed.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

T-SQL for Data Analysts (Basic + Advanced) (English)

This training covers T-SQL, the query and design language for Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. It focuses on analyzing data in SQL and preparing datasets for analysis. The training also covers windowing, ranking, subqueries, and CTEs. There are two separate parts to the training that can be taken independently.
€ 1.699,- (excl. VAT) 3 days Utrecht

Power BI Fundamentals: Reporting and Data Analysis

In this "Power BI Fundamentals" basic training, we'll spend two days covering various aspects of data analysis with Power BI. You'll learn everything necessary for analyzing data in Power BI from accessing and profiling data to sharing insights and conducting advanced analyses.
€ 1.099,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Implementing a Lakehouse with Microsoft Fabric (DP-601T00)

This course is designed to build your foundational skills in data engineering on Microsoft Fabric, focusing on the Lakehouse concept. This course will explore the powerful capabilities of Apache Spark for distributed data processing and the essential techniques for efficient data management, versioning, and reliability by working with Delta Lake tables. This course will also explore data ingestion and orchestration using Dataflows Gen2 and Data Factory pipelines. This course includes a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises that will prepare you to work with lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

Data Management in Practice (English)

Data Management is a complex and theory-heavy subject. This training offers practical guidance from an experienced specialist to help understand and implement Data Management in a real-world context.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

Data Engineering with Azure Databricks (English)

In this training, you will learn how to build a Data Lakehouse using Databricks. Topics include architecture, setup, transformations, task orchestration, and version management. At the end, you will be able to set up a Data Lakehouse on your own.
€ 1.399,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Advanced T-SQL for Data Analysts (English)

The "Advanced T-SQL for data analysts" training covers topics such as windowing, ranking, subqueries, and CTEs in one day. Students will work on a challenge to apply their knowledge. This training can be taken separately or as a follow-up to the basic "T-SQL for data analysts" training.
€ 699,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Online, Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

Dimensional Modeling (English)

This training focuses on modeling data using a Dimensional Model or "star model". It explains how to split data into facts and dimensions to create a clear model that matches business processes. This is a standard technique for Business Intelligence and Analytics solutions, as well as a best practice for newer data analysis tools like Power BI. The training includes practical cases to ensure accurate modeling choices and improve daily analysis work efficiency.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

Data analysis with Power BI and DAX (English)

A comprehensive training on data analysis with Power BI and DAX. Covers all aspects from accessing and profiling data to advanced operations. The learning path consists of four trainings over five weeks.
35 days

Scrum in Practice

Learn Scrum, one of the most popular methods for agile working. Hands-on, highly practical, solid foundation.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

ChatGPT en LLMs voor Data Professionals

Maak kennis met ChatGPT, LLM's en prompting technieken. Leer dit effectief inzetten voor data-analyse en -verwerking. Leer met data-analyses op basis van praktische datasets ChatGPT veilig gebruiken.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

PL-300 certification track

Prepare optimally for the PL-300 Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst exam. For three weeks, you will have one day of training per week and additionally study on your own for the exam. One exam is included in the price.
€ 1.699,- (excl. VAT) 3 days Utrecht

Querying Snowflake with SQL

This training covers Snowflake SQL, the query and design language for Snowflake. It focuses on analyzing data in SQL and preparing datasets for analysis. The training also covers windowing, ranking, subqueries, and CTEs.
3 days

Power BI: User Experience (UX) and Dashboard Design

Over two days, we focus on optimizing Power BI reports by improving the user experience and the design of dashboards. We pay attention to how you can create truly useful and clear reports, so that end users can gain insights from the reports more quickly and effectively. Through practical exercises, you will learn how to efficiently design visuals and how to create more beautiful and better dashboards. In addition, we delve into the proper use of colors and dealing with corporate styles.
2 days

Azure Data Factory (ADF): Orchestration and development (English)

This two-day training focuses on the setup, management, and development of Azure Data Factory (ADF). It covers orchestration and data movement within the Azure platform, including controlling tasks and copying data to and within the cloud.
€ 1.199,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht, Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

Snowflake voor Data Engineers

'Snowflake voor Data Engineers' biedt een uitgebreide kennismaking met Snowflake. Tijdens de training krijg je een beeld van het ontstaan van cloud data platforms, het aanbod van cloudplatforms dat er is en de positionering van Snowflake daarbinnen. Daarnaast ga je aan de slag in een hands-on lab om het platform direct in de vingers te krijgen.
€ 1.198,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Power BI Semantic Model: Design, Performance en Engineering

Een semantisch model in Power BI opzetten is vrij eenvoudig. Maar wat als je te maken krijgt met nieuwe bronnen, complexe relaties en performance uitdagingen? En hoe ga je om met samenwerking bij het verder ontwikkelen van semantische modellen? In deze 2-daagse workshop gaan we aan de slag met de mogelijkheden en best-practices die Power BI te bieden heeft op het gebied van semantische modellen. De workshop is opgedeeld in 5 blokken die je alles bieden wat je nodig hebt om kritisch naar je semantische modellen te kijken.
€ 1.399,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Advanced Python for Data Engineers and Data Scientists

Learn how to harness the true power of Python. Acquire skills in writing efficient and readable Python code, and learn how to enhance the quality and reliability of your code to apply it across various data analysis, science, and engineering tasks.
€ 1.399,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

AZ-305 certification track: Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

As (future or current) Azure Solution Architect, learn how to design infrastructure solutions. Governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, and migrations. The course combines lecture with case studies to demonstrate basic architect design principles.
4 days

Azure Data Engineer (DP-203T00-A) (English)

This Azure Data Engineer training focuses on building real-time and batch-driven solutions in Azure. The course is practical, with a hands-on approach to learning. The content is aligned with the Microsoft exam "Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure" (Exam DP-203).  
€ 2.299,- (excl. VAT) 4 days Utrecht

Azure Data Factory (ADF): Data Flows (English)

Learn how to effectively use Data Flows in Azure Data Factory for ETL tasks in this one-day training. Discover the smart and proper way to design, execute, and manage data transformations.
1 day

Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) (English)

The move to the cloud raises questions about data location, availability, security, and cost. The Azure Fundamentals course covers cloud operations and Microsoft Azure in one day.
€ 549,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht (Open Leercentrum)

Synapse Pipelines: Data Flows (English)

This one-day training teaches users to effectively use Data Flows within Synapse Pipelines for ETL tasks. The course covers design, execution, and management of data transformations.
1 day

TimeXtender CORE

Tijdens deze 2 daagse training in workshop vorm ontdek je de geheimen van TimeXtender en leer je de kunst van gegevensbeheer.
2 days

Mastering DAX (English)

In the "Mastering DAX" training, you will learn to recognize important patterns that can be solved simply, powerfully, and dynamically with DAX.
€ 1.149,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Power BI Advanced: DAX and Advanced Reports

In the "Power BI Advanced DAX and Advanced Reports" follow-up training, we spend two days covering various aspects of data analysis with Power BI. You will learn everything required for advanced data analysis in Power BI, from the basics of accessing SQL Server data to the advanced functionality of DAX; we cover it all!
€ 1.149,- (excl. VAT) 2 days Utrecht

Data & AI Literacy Fundamentals

Een training waarin alle principes t.a.v. Data & AI Literacy (of Data & AI geletterdheid) worden besproken en de basis wordt gelegd om de reis naar Data & AI Literacy te beginnen.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

Data Ethiek

Leer kritisch nadenken over de ethische aspecten van dataverwerking. Leer risico's mitigeren door aan de slag te gaan met prikkelende stellingen en casussen.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Utrecht

Datavisualisatie en Data Storytelling

Leer de kracht van datavisualisatie toepassen in jouw organisatie. Vanaf het waarom van visualiseren tot het nadenken over passende grafieken en stijlen in deze ééndaagse training leg je een solide fundament.
€ 599,- (excl. VAT) 1 day Online, Utrecht

Azure Data Engineering Learning Path (English)

The course "Azure Data Engineering" teaches you how to work with Azure for cloud data engineering. Each week covers a different topic, and you'll gain hands-on experience and build a Proof of Concept.
35 days

Git for Data Engineers (English)

In the "Git for Data Engineers" training, participants learn how to effectively use Git for version control, conflict resolution, and integrating it into their workflow as a Data Engineer or BI Specialist. The training also covers Git's best practices and underlying functioning.
1 day

Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900)

This course introduces fundamentals concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI), and the services in Microsoft Azure that can be used to create AI solutions. The course is not designed to teach students to become professional data scientists or software developers, but rather to build awareness of common AI workloads and the ability to identify Azure services to support them. The course is designed as a blended learning experience that combines instructor-led training with online materials on the Microsoft Learn platform (https//azure.com/learn). The hands-on exercises in the course are based on Learn modules, and students are encouraged to use the content on Learn as reference materials to reinforce what they learn in the class and to explore topics in more depth.
1 day

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Dus... Wie zijn we?

Wortell Smart Learning helpt je om Data & Analytics écht te begrijpen. Wij geloven in het delen van kennis, die we duurzaam inbrengen in organisaties. Overal waar wij komen, helpen we mensen verder. Met zowel direct toepasbare inzichten voor de korte en lange termijn. En met inspirerende praktijkervaring, die je helpt om het grote plaatje helder te houden.